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Composer. Guitarist. Producer



Hey friends! Thank you for stopping by to check out my newly designed website. There's lots of cool stuff coming up!


Here's the latest:


I'll be performing live in Vancouver, BC along with Sumalao in an event you don't want to miss! Remembering the Future: Chile 1973 – 2023 An Evening of Music, Poetry, and Art. For tickets and more details, CLICK HERE


This October, I will be attending the Taxi Road Rally 2023 in Los Angeles, CA 


I've been a member for a few years now and it will be great to finally get to meet everyone in person that I've been interacting with online since joining.


I'm also very excited to announce that I've finally signed a track through Taxi. Although I have had placements in film,TV shows back in 2000, this is the first track I sign "Viajes con caballos"  in Jan 2020 since I joined TAXI - Independent A&R in April 2018 . Thank you! The track starts at around 5:15-6:00



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